Freeform PVP Arena Wiki
  1. Choosing fighters and arena
    1. GM randomly and openly selects player match ups
    2. GM randomly and openly selects Arena
    3. GM randomly and openly picks first player
  2. First Player advantage
    1. The first player is able to dictate the circumstances of the Arena and player locations.
    2. Player may not put either fighter in danger or into a trapped position
    3. Player may set up a position where they have an advantage
    4. Example: Player 1 may not start Player 2 floating 10,000 feet in the air unless Player 2 can fly.
    5. Example: Player 1 may not start Player 2 in a cage unless player 2 cannot be held by cages.
    6. Example: Player 1 may start Player 2 in an open field with no where to hide.
    7. First player may not attack enemy fighter in set up post
    8. The first player must follow the rules of the Arena in cases of unusual rule sets
  3. Second player advantage
    1. Second player makes the first attack post
    2. Second player must follow the area as set by Player 1.
    3. Example: Player 1 sets up that Player 2 is in an open field with no where to hide. Player 2 may not write that he hides behind the building in the field.
    4. Example: Player 1 sets up an open forest. Player 2 may state that he hides among the trees of the forest.